
Interview mit Jeffery Deaver

Den Jeffery Deaver ass een internationalen Bestsellerautor. Seng Bicher ginn an 25 Sproochen iwwersat, dat seet jo schonn alles. Säin Erfolleg huet mat der legendärer Lincoln-Rhyme-Rei ugefaangen. Ma och säin neie Protagonist, de Colter Shaw ass et derwäert.

Den Här Deaver war esou léif mir e puer Froen ze beäntwerten.

Why do you write thrillers?
I was a fan of suspense and thrillers as a reader, so it was natural for me to write in the genre.

Was it difficult to find a publisher?
Like most writers, I received a lot of rejections before my first novel was published. My first publisher was a very small company that only published paperback novels, but it was a good place to start my writing career.

Were is your workplace?
I work at home or, when I’m traveling, I write at the hotel I’m staying at.

What is your biggest fear?
That I’ll meet one of the villains from my novels!

Tell us something about yourself.
I can tell you that I started my career as a journalist, and during my train commute to work, I wrote fiction, hoping one day to have my work published.
Do you have a favorite joke? Favorite quote?
I don’t have a specific joke, but I’m a big fan of the TV shows Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm.

Do you have any advice for writers?
The best thing an aspiring writer can do is write. Don’t wait for inspiration, but try to write something every day. The more you write, the better you will become at the craft of writing.

Tell us a story in ten words, please.
I get paid for writing fiction, so will politely turn down your request. 🙂

I hope I’ve answered your questions. Many thanks for your interest in my work.
With all best wishes,
Jeff Deaver

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